H'uli Jing

Bladesmith from the East

At a glance

No matter her attire, H'uli remains a flirty vixen who enjoys the chase more than actually succeeding.


She's been around, and you might have seen her without knowing.


21+ Rp'er (EU CET)
Dark, Adult, Slice of Life, Casual, Adventure all enjoyable.

Deeper Dive

Name: H'uli Jing
Age: 28~
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: :3
Social status: Has worked in Most crafting Groups/Guilds
Current residence: Lavender Beds and Goblet
Physical Appearance
Height: 5 Corgi's
Eye color: Gold
Hair/fur color: White with Blue
Complexion: Pale, but with markings and tattoo's
Peets?: Yes
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: White and grey racial markings hidden amongst her vast network of tattoo's
Typical clothing style: Crafters clothes, or more tightfitting styles. Enjoys wearing the latest trends. (ie: E-girl and Club Outfits)
Birth place: Doma
Childhood home: Yangxia
Places of past residence: Kugane, Ilsibard briefly, Nomadic/Caravan lifestyle perfecting her craft.
History of family (brief): Born to a litter of four as the youngest, left the home when reaching maturity. Unsure if family is still around or has since passed away, she sort of up and left.
Peaceful/violent: A mix of both? Prefers to avoid it, and when in combat will prefer to neutralize rather than harm. Though, during certain times she gets rather feral and will aim for kills.
Weapon of choice: Daggers, or a smithing hammer.
Style of combat/combatant roles: Relies more on speed and parrying to manipulate the opponents moves, Hitting that one critical spot after a details setup and maneuvering her enemies where she wants them to be. She would prefer to support from the side, allowing the larger louder types to draw attention.
Occupation: Blacksmith and Server at A Tavern
Well Crafted weapons
Watching fights
Meat ~ Raw
Cute things
Being called a cat
Personality Traits:
Proud - She is proud of who she is, how she looks, the things she has done. She worked hard to get to where she is, skill wise and just life in general. Rarely will she downplay or be shy about her actions, and if she is, its a ploy to try and get something. She also doesnt like false pride, or being proud of lies or untrue things. That actually annoys her a lot.
Ignorant? - She not naive in like worldly things. She knows about culture and modern society, but she also struggles to admit when she doesnt know things until its almost too late. Things that may be common sense to some, are sometimes purposefully ignored because she thinks her way is better.

More Hooks


The real life H'uli

Hello! So you want to know more about me hmm? well...I'm 21+, living in the EU
I speak English mostly, thought working on some other ones.
I like most forms of RP. Dark, Emotional, Slice of Life, Mature, Dramatic, Casual, Bar.